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Bubble Territory

A massive bifurcation in the market has developed. Value stocks, those boring companies that produce products and lots of income, have vastly underperformed the market as a whole.

Currency in Reserve

Seven years ago this month, the topic of the Altus Insight addressed the possibility of the United States losing its status of the holder of the world’s reserve currency.

Around the Horn

Spring isn’t quite in the air yet, but baseball is back. While some consider baseball to be slow and boring, I love the intricacies and strategy of the game.

Strange Days

It pains me to say it, but the economy really has seemed to benefit from Trump’s election. I don’t have any scientific proof as to why, but I believe it is a confluence of several factors.

So… I have been asked…

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday each year. I have much to be thankful for, as does everyone reading this article.


October was quite the month. Starting the night of October 8th, three different fires started burning in the North Bay and raged for well over a week.