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Seeking Real Estate Alpha

Earlier this week I was speaking with an Altus investor that asked a question that resonated as a topic of discussion worthy of an Altus Insight. While the question was particular in nature to Altus Equity Group (and even more particular to the Altus Opportunity


In the March Altus Insight there was a discussion of the unemployment numbers. Additional data has since been released. My thoughts can be found at the end of this Insight in italics. I don’t think of myself as an ornery person, but if I am


It has been a few months (December) since I provided any Altus Insight content, and some interesting things have happened since then. Before I jump in, one of our readers had the idea that we should ask readers for topic ideas for future Insights. Great

Too Much Right Now

The past couple years have been slower than standard in our world, with very little transaction volume and most of our attention focused on improving operations and preparing for the near inevitable (our opinion) spike in opportunity we saw coming. The slow times are gone,

The Government is at it Again

Out of one side of its mouth, the government talks about wanting to help new businesses get established and grow. The other side of its mouth produces a never-ending stream of edicts that make it more and more difficult to start a business. Maybe not

Things Happen

If we are being honest, there aren’t likely to be more than a few Altus Insight recipients that are excited to read the Insight on a Sunday night in the middle of the holidays. It isn’t an easy Insight to write either, as we try

Why Here? Why Now?

Before starting into this month’s Insight, I would like to remember two American icon’s that passed away this week at 99 and 100, being Charlie Munger and Henry Kissinger, respectively. Their impact on America is unquestioned. While we will miss their wit and wisdom, what

It is Broken

When I write an Altus Insight, I try to have a theme that runs throughout, tying in the relevant questions and data, and sometimes coming to a conclusion. This month? Nothing. No theme. There is a lot going on, nearly all of it out of

Take it to the Bank

I am going to start a bank someday. No really, it is on my bucket list. Not because I have this crazy love of banking or dealing with regulators (in fact, dealing with most bureaucrats drives me nuts), but because there is something in me