Tax Advantages

There are many advantages and incentives to investing in real estate.

Altus has a collective wealth of experience in working with investors in understanding the intricacies and benefits of reinvestment. Whether you are evaluating a 1031 or 1033 exchange, or you are looking to reinvest gains from another investment in a QOZ, we have the expertise to help.

1031/1033 Exchanges

Altus recognizes that completing a 1031 or 1033 exchange can be daunting for an investor. Our expertise allows us to provide a streamlined solution for clients who face strict timelines and tax laws related to their 1031/1033 transactions. Through our extensive broker network, we quickly identify properties that fit investors’ needs, often before they hit the market. We perform all due diligence and help qualify our clients for financing not otherwise available.

QOZs (Qualified Opportunity Zone Investments)

Are you facing significant tax payments as a result of capital gains?  Altus’s expertise and experience in working on Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) projects is a huge asset to our investors. The QOZ program was established as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to provide tax incentives for private, long-term investment in economically distressed communities. Investments made in Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF) offers several tax advantages for those investing recent capital gains; deferral of federal capital gains tax, a stepped up basis after 5 and 7 years, with the possibility of exclusion of federal capital gains for investments held for 10 or more years. Unlike 1031 or 1033 exchanges, this program isn’t specific to gains created through real estate investment, but is open to any gain through any asset.

Altus is on the cutting edge in the understanding and implementation of these new incentives and we are excited about the opportunity to create mutually beneficial outcomes for these communities and our investors. We actively seek out QOZ projects in various markets throughout the US, and are currently in the midst of working on multiple qualifying opportunities.

“I have invested with Altus time and time again because of Forrest and the integrity of the Altus team. They continuously do the right things and the money then follows, but that’s not the only objective. I know we all want to make our money grow (and it certainly has) but thoughtful and honest decisions are most important.”

Chuch McPherson, Altus Investor